
Clank ratchet and clank
Clank ratchet and clank

clank ratchet and clank

Press circle to teleport to the exit and move to the next challenge. Watch them run to the exit to open the door. Retrieve the red orb and toss it into the port closest to the raised platform your own so that the potential Kits jump and land where you are. Grab the red orb from the path on the right and toss it into the port right in front of the button where you picked up the second yellow orb so that the potential Kits fly over the button, causing the platform your own to raise. Turn right and walk to the end of the path, break the boxes, and throw the yellow orb in the spinner port to rotate the platform in front of it.

clank ratchet and clank

On the other side, break the boxes and head forward to grab another yellow orb. Toss the yellow orb into the port and run through it to send yourself down the wire. Head straight forward and grab the yellow orb. Approach the anomaly and press triangle to send Kit in. Near the start of this level, you'll encounter a Seekerpede trapped in an anomaly. Press circle to teleport to the exit and enter the next challenge.Īfter meeting Emporer Nefarious on your second trip to Zurkie's, Rivet and Kit head back to Sargasso to stop Emporer Nefarious from destroying Rivet's home planet. The blue orb goes in the saw, the red orb goes in the furthest port, and the green orb goes in the port right before the red one. Grab the green orb, blue orb, and red orb and head back to the center. At the top, put the red orb in the smasher and the blue orb in the tall pillar to lower it down. Take both orbs then head back to the elevator. Put the red orb in the port behind you on the left side of the main path and use it to jump onto the high pillar where the blue orb is. Jump onto the elevator and grab the red orb. In the next chamber, break the boxes ahead of you and take the right path. Stand on the blue button and watch your potentials open the door. Retrieve the blue orb from the saw and head back to toss it into the very first port. Grab the second blue orb on top and load it into the spinning saw straight ahead to lower it so it breaks the polyhedrals. Toss the blue orb into the floating platform to weigh it down. Start by heading straight down the path and break the boxes to get the blue orb. After bringing all of the Science Bots back to the Chief Engineer, return to the Mining Hub and head up the ramp on the northwest side to send Clank into the anomaly. Run into the red dome to fling yourself onto to exit platform and move to the next puzzle.Īfter your first trip to Zurkie's, Rivet and Clank will head to Blizar Prime to find a Phase Quartz. Press R2 while aiming at the port on the floor to throw the red orb in it. Start by running to the right platform to pick up the red orb. All three should be fairly straightforward since this is the first puzzle you'll solve. There are three puzzles to solve in this Anomaly. Related: Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart - Glitch Puzzle Guide When the fight ends, approach the anomaly and press triangle to send Clank into it. On your way to Rivet's Hideout on Sargasso, you'll run into a small army of goons harassing Morts in front of an anomaly.

clank ratchet and clank

This is the first anomaly puzzle you'll encounter in the game. If you're having a hard time figuring out these tricky challenges, here's our complete guide to all of the anomaly puzzles in Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart. Each anomaly features three puzzles to solve, and there are four anomalies in the game: two on Sargasso, one on Blizar Prime, and one on Savali during Ratchet's second visit. The anomaly puzzles require involve collecting and positioning a number of colored orbs into machines and platforms in order to direct Clank's (or Kit's) "potentials" across a dangerous path and into a door. You'll encounter your first anomaly puzzle during Rivet's first visit to Sargasso. Anomaly puzzles are the newest challenge for Clank in Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart.

Clank ratchet and clank